

Signature Kitchen Suite Customer Service contact details

When you contact Signature Kitchen Suite Customer Service you are offered customised help in choosing the home appliances most suited to your needs. You can fill in this form or call +39 02 5002 0793, active Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm.

Fill out the following form and we will respond to you within 24 hours.

(Items marked with * are mandatory)


All of our home appliances fulfil the Legal warranty duration of 24 months. You can consult the warranty certificate that came with your product.

Assistance Centres

Our assistance centres operate across the entire nation, ready to answer your questions and address any issues concerning our appliances.

Our showroom

Come visit our Signature Kitchen Suite space in Milan. An active and lively place, a hub to communicate and share the True to Food™ philosophy.

Our distributors

You can get in touch with our official Signature Kitchen Suite distributors in Italy to get information on products and designing your kitchen.